How To Cheat At Credit Repair & Get Away With It! I am a Credit Repair Expert! This book will provide you with everything you need to know to get started using FREE methods at repairing your credit reports & scores. You will not have to pay a penny to do the steps in my book that lead to excellent credit and eliminating debt fast! THE TOPICS THAT WILL BE COVERED ARE: Understanding Credit – (Overall knowledge on what credit really is and how to use it to your advantage) Eliminating Debt – (Including collections accounts) Building Credit – (Understanding…
[Continue reading]Month: March 2022
Dr. Gil Snider Foreshadows The Ukraine-Russia Conflict In his Medical/Political Thriller, “Brain Warp”, Years Before It Happened.
Virginia Beach, Va., February 24, 2017 – An unknown cluster of inexplicable deaths plague Dr. Peter Branstead’s neurology service at St. Mark’s Hospital in Greenwich Village. Its victims experience a violent death upon admission when the virus progress into convulsions and then cardiac arrest. The good doctor has yet to realize a more sinister plot is being waged. The deaths are too methodical to be a coincidence, but how – and why – are they being killed? Peter’s investigation leads him into a dark underworld of international intrigue and into the center of a plot to destroy the president of the…
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