This book is for open-minded readers who take voting seriously. Full of fun facts. Ideal as a gift for your friends who spout extreme views.
How to talk with extremists without arguing – have the facts
Well-informed, non-threatening,unbiased, non-partisan, well-rounded, fun facts, eye-openers, things in perspective, facts trump opinions and conspiracies.
Review tbe US Election issues without opinions, only discussable positions & proposals for a better tomorrow.
Truth-telling, facts, party platform clarity, essential for informed voting, if you take your voting seriously, essential for balanced political discussions, resultion of some false narratives,
Don’t be that person who votes “blind” or based on what others are telling you.
An unbiased, non-partisan review of the parties positions on the main issues of the upcoming election with proposals that can lead America towards a better tomorrow.
“America’s Election Handbook 2024” offers a sharp analysis of the U.S. political party system, highlighting contrasts between major party positions and challenging the necessity and consequences of strict party loyalties. It delves into the evolving ideologies of political parties and critiques the minimal involvement of grassroots movements in decision-making processes, a factor it links to the growing divide in American politics.
The book advocates for open-minded dialogue and consensus in governance, reflecting the democratic ideals of the Founding Fathers. With a blend of proposals and factual analyses, it aims to stimulate more inclusive and representative discussions on governance.
A key aspect of the book is its examination of the principles of Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, drawing parallels between their original visions and today’s political landscape.
“America’s Election Handbook 2024” is dedicated to bridging political gaps. It serves as a comprehensive resource for voters, facilitating an understanding of party positions, encouraging well-informed discourse, and promoting solutions based on compromise. The handbook seeks to heal societal divisions and guide American society towards greater unity and cooperation.
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Product Details
Author: Charles D Patton
Amazon Link: America’s Election Handbook 2024
Barnes & Noble: America’s Election Handbook 2024
Publisher: Short Mystery Press (March 7, 2024)
Language: English
Paperback: 418 pages
ISBN-13: 979-8988805489
Item Weight: 1.58 pounds
Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.95 x 9.25 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #238,811 in Books

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